Crazy Kentucky Weather


What a difference a day makes! On Monday, it seemed like spring had finally come to save us from the depths of winter.  Then Tuesday came along with storm clouds.  Now I hear we may be getting snow in the double digits on Friday!  Geez…

Here are two of my photos of students playing ultimate frisbee on Stoll Field.  Once it gets warm for good, I definitely want to go back and try again.

3.3.08 Frisbee

Below: AJ Ruf, junior physics major (left, gold) throwing to David Camp, a sophomore marketing major (black shorts)

3.3.08 Frisbee1

Here are some of my rain pictures.  Initially, my assignment was to work on my standalone of the overpass by the parking garage.  However, after spending some time there, I abandoned the project for the day and shot colorful rain boots instead.

Racheal Pedigo, a freshman biology major

3.4.08 Rain

(left) Rachel Erpenbeck, a sophomore merchandise, apparel and textiles and ISC major walking with friend Nicole Depenbrock, a junior merchandise, apparel and textiles major

3.4.08 Rain1

Sara McSorley, an undeclared freshman

3.4.08 Rain2

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